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61% say Biden is a failure according to a CNN poll.


Posted 3:05 pm, 04/30/2024

You know "what happened" in 2016 that blew the polls out of the water? The answer is so simple it is stooped, which means the stooped can't understand it. I will type slow so they can keep up. cankles cheated in the dim debates, even cnn reported on it. Bra swell admitted to giving her the questions, then retracted after there were sudden, surprisingly unexpected, consequences. Just like South Park said, "there is nothing to vote for in 2016" and anyone with a conscience will admit that. 2020 THE SAME! And here we are, in 24 still living trapped in the matrix!

I had decided not to even vote in 16, and I knew dozens that felt the same. Then the debate debacle came to light and all those centrists said, "NO! CHEATERS SHOULDN'T WIN!" I had yellow dog democrat family members bragging about voting for a repub, "The First, Last, And ONLY Time!" And I know dozens that did not vote for trump, but voted against killary, and the US political spectrum is trapped in that toilet bowl spin to this very day.


Posted 2:10 pm, 04/30/2024

You're a liar piss ant, you mark a straight democrat ballot.


Posted 10:02 am, 04/30/2024

Had the 2015 polls accurately predicted the outcome Hillary would not only have won the election, but her popular vote would have been overwhelming instead of just greater than Trump's. I'm still trying to figure out how it's possible to be less popular than Hillary, I know I was pinching my nose real tight as I voted for her. Oh! Now I get it you have to be Trump.

Despite the polls and all their loud crowing the MAGATS are still working on how best to present Big Lie II.


Posted 9:47 am, 04/30/2024

Hey trybutt, why do YOU feel cnn woulda rig a poll in favor of President Trump?


Posted 9:31 am, 04/30/2024

The problem with polls is that they either reflect the views of the pollsters or whatever organization is employing them remember 2016, ya don't git no wronger than that!


Posted 8:47 am, 04/30/2024

He was always a failure and never won the election It was handed to him and screwed TRUMP


Posted 8:39 am, 04/30/2024

Where am I wrong about that post, dunce?

Be specific and don't answer a question with another question, simpleman


Posted 8:15 am, 04/30/2024

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 7:05 am, 04/30/2024

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 5:45 pm, 04/29/2024
I don't know....we're still living in a free country aren't we!

I see no failure in that!
Not when the party in power uses fake legal issues to stop their opponent from campaigning. Not when the IRS suppresses one party, not when a parent is placed on a terrorist watch group for standing up to a school board trying to indoctrinate their children, all the while allowing Marxist reprobates to tear up colleges all across America . No this Marxist Democrat Regime is not protecting our freedom, the are tearing down the democracy.
Just the fact, Jack

Faux, are you this ignorant in person or is it just a role you play on Go Wilkes?

DB Cooper

Posted 8:13 am, 04/30/2024

New Emerson College poll North Carolina Trump +5, Robinson + 1.

March 7 poll was Trump 45, Biden 45.


Posted 7:05 am, 04/30/2024

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 5:45 pm, 04/29/2024

I don't know....we're still living in a free country aren't we!

I see no failure in that!
Not when the party in power uses fake legal issues to stop their opponent from campaigning. Not when the IRS suppresses one party, not when a parent is placed on a terrorist watch group for standing up to a school board trying to indoctrinate their children, all the while allowing Marxist reprobates to tear up colleges all across America . No this Marxist Democrat Regime is not protecting our freedom, the are tearing down the democracy.
Just the fact, Jack


Posted 6:55 am, 04/30/2024

I'm sure his latest tax hike will not be well received. It will probably go up even higher.


Posted 6:01 pm, 04/29/2024

I will be the anti advocate and act as ignorant as it. When was Ike POTUS?


Posted 5:49 pm, 04/29/2024

So one with a 55% when he he left office and 61%.....and we choosing the Senile Olympics?

Couldn't be more embarrassed with the amount of low level gullibles in this country.

Boomers sure did a superb job ruining America. Do yall feel good about it?


Posted 5:45 pm, 04/29/2024

I don't know....we're still living in a free country aren't we!

I see no failure in that!


Posted 5:40 pm, 04/29/2024

Just goes to show that the government can make up all of the numbers they want, and Anti can copy and paste them, but people out here living in Biden's America ain't buying it.

The CNN survey suggests that 55% of Americans now say they view Trump's presidency as a success, with 44% seeing it as a failure, down 11 points from a CNN poll conducted soon after Trump left office and also following the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

According to the new survey, 61% rate Biden's presidency so far as a failure, with 39% calling it a success

According to Gallup, Biden averaged a 38.7% job approval rating during his 13th quarter in office, which began on Jan. 20 and ended on April 19

"None of the other nine presidents elected to their first term since Dwight Eisenhower had a lower 13th-quarter average than Biden," Gallup highlighted in their poll

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